
Showing posts from May, 2018


Here , "  F. R. I. E. N. D. S.  "  is not about a TV serial but it's something about the trustworthy true friendship.                  FRIENDS  are the ultimate booster pack. Without them our life wouldn't be the same . Don't you think ?  We all human beings need friends . We people want someone to share with , to talk with , to study with , to play with , to explore wih ,  to laugh with , to rock the floor with , to motivate us , appreciate us and what not ...... At the same time , no friends is 10000 times better than fake friends !!!!                   Let's talk about different categories of friendship ! 1) TOXIC FRIENDS  - These are the one who spoils the surrounding environment just by being there. They spreads the  rays of negativity . Their company makes us feel introvert...


              Have you ever imagined , how wonderful your life would be if you can be stick to your own decisions and be firm on them ?  Trust me , you will be proud of yourself if you can do that .                                                  Whenever it comes to a decision , what we usually start doing is wasting our precious time to think , THIS is right or THAT is right ?    What if I hurt someone with my decision ? What about different people ?  What they will think of me ?   Whether to go in RIGHT direction or LEFT ?  and blah blah blah .....                   ...